Spiritual Entrepreneurs Ready To Embrace Abundance and Flourish Financially…

NEW COURSE REVEALS: The Counterintuitive Step-By-Step System To Overcome Financial Insecurity, Gain 100% Control Over Your Finances, And Launch a Purpose-Filled Business Online.

...without the overwhelm of complex economics, endless meditation and visualization, or sacrificing your spiritual and ethical values.

What is the Money Confidence Program?

The Money Confidence Program is a counterintuitive growth-focused approach to finances allowing you to master your money, quickly and easily make smart business decisions, and become an action-taking entrepreneur without taking huge risks, jeopardizing your security, or wasting time on things that don't matter.

This is the all-inclusive (mind, body, spirit) approach for entrepreneurs ready to grow a 6+ figure business with a systemized approach that collapses time and helps you start fast and strong.

I'll guide you as you integrate psychology, strategic planning, and biohacking to help you quickly change from the inside-out, where clarity will replace confusion and success won't be just a desire but a daily reality.

And as a result... you'll break free from the shackles of uncertainty, procrastination, and indecision.

In just two weeks, you can be seated in the driver's seat of your life, confident with your finances, knowing exactly what to do next - that's what the Money Confidence Program is.

Now Available for Instant Access

Enroll Today for $27

Get access to the video series, workbook, and bonuses. Delivered Instantly. You can start in the next 2 minutes.

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The Money Confidence Program is a shortcut

We all know that change, in any aspect of life, starts from within first. That's why the Money Confidence Program is more than just a course; it's the game changer...

One I wish I had when I was in the early stages of entrepreneurship.

Before developing the Money Confidence Program, my own online entrepreneurial journey was a maze of dead-ends.

I was stuck in what felt like a relentless grind, trying every strategy out there, from all the new opportunities online to traditional wealth management tactics.

...I found myself trapped in a cycle I never intended to be in.

That's what led me to question everything and eventually turn the entire model upside down, breaking all the rules and freeing myself from the chains of the old ways.

It took years of navigating through this maze, piecing together what works and what doesn't - all on my own. But eventually, I carved out a path that led me out.

Now, I'm here to share these hard-earned insights with you through the Money Confidence Program.



Money Confidence Program

Video Series, Workbook, and Supporting Materials

$1,732 $150



Membership to Underground Entrepreneurs Community

$247 FREE


Personal Finance Management Template

$97 FREE


VisionCraft Business Plan Blueprint

$97 FREE


Values Elicitation Assessment

$47 FREE


Company Business Bookkeeping Template

$97 FREE


Strategic Position Identifier Method

$37 FREE


Life Purpose AI Coach

$37 FREE

Here’s How People Go From Being Broke And Stuck In STRESSFUL, Unfulfilling Work To Total Financial Freedom Through Work They Love, By Ignoring the Common Wisdom, Breaking All the Rules, And Turning the Online Entrepreneurship Space Upside Down

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The Money Confidence Program

To: Future Money Confidence Program Owner

From: The laptop of Edmond Abramyan

RE: Building Wealth by Doing What You Enjoy (and why this is your only way out)

Would it surprise you to learn that I enjoy professional autonomy and financial independence using the information revealed in this concise 6-module + 133-page workbook course?


You should be.

After all, you can't believe everything you read on the internet :-)

So Let Me Prove It To You...

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have to tell you, although my past conditions may be relatable, my results are not typical.

When I started my first business over a decade ago with just $160, it wasn’t because I was trying for a minimalistic approach, it was because that’s what I had.

I had no prior business experience, knowledge, or relationships I could lean on.

Just bills to pay, a roof to keep over my head, loved ones to support, and a dead-end job that was insisting I give way more than they were willing to pay for.

The way I did it was by studying, examining, evaluating, testing, experimenting with, and most importantly, applying the lessons I learned.

The average person doesn’t do that—they don’t put into action what they learn—and so they don’t get any results.

That’s why I have to tell you that your results will vary depending on many factors, including things like your: background, experience, and work ethic.

All purchases entail risk as well as massive and consistent effort. If you’re not willing to accept that, please do not get this course.

With that said… let me jump right in and show you…

I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same Money Confidence Program approach that online entrepreneurs from all over the world are now using to defeat self-imposed limitations to grow a sustainable online business.

...And in turn achieve personal and professional empowerment faster than ever before...

...All while simplifying their money situation so they can focus on what they truly want...

...And best of all, building a lifestyle of freedom and fulfillment that aligns with their passions and goals.

It’s a Simple Yet Profound Switch in Approach That Leads to Major Long Term Changes…

Every thinking person knows… it’s great to be making money with work you enjoy and find meaning in. That's like solving one of life’s major puzzles today.

I’ve been making money online for over a decade now, creating things other people buy and benefit from. And after the last few years of mentoring and helping others with their start-up businesses, I realized some common problems beginners faced—some things I myself experienced in the past.

And so, I put some things together that would help others grow their income faster and easier…

Something simple and straightforward that would cut through the noise of all the mainstream typical advice out there.

But also, something that would serve as a guide to an individual’s personal growth, helping them translate the knowledge they have into action.

...And it works!

You know, there are tons of people making money doing what they want to do—earning an independent online income—who are likely WAY LESS QUALIFIED than us.

Most importantly, they’re doing it WITHOUT the blood, sweat, and tears.

Every day, they get to get up and work on the projects THEY want to work on.

The best part?

They’re not victims to alarm clocks and rigid schedules—because THEY’RE the ones in control of how their day looks.

This is what people want when they’re living paycheck to paycheck, working a dead-end job that leeches the life out of them.

They know there is something in them, some potential to do something great, but they don’t feel like they’re quite good enough to do it on their own.

It always feels like they’re missing this one key ingredient to change their situation.

They get stuck, uncertain about their path in life, and constantly let themselves and those who depended on them down.

They read books, study masterclasses, join different forums, and even purchase courses and trainings on their credit cards… But nothing seems to work.

They learn some things and find some inspiration, get excited, overwork themselves, then this heavy feeling creeps in, and BAM! just like that, the project ends up on the “back burner”.

For whatever reason, they can’t find it within themselves to be consistent and take something to the finish line to start making money.

This all dawned on me in my own life when I caught a lucky break in the form of a terrible accident...

I had a bad fall and tore the cartilage in my shoulder, requiring some pretty intensive surgery.

While sitting up in bed a couple nights after the operation, trying to fall asleep (I couldn’t lay down completely because of the pain), I started to have sudden flashes of realization.

I saw the ways I was holding myself back…

…the story I was telling myself that kept me stuck…

…how certain beliefs formed and how they were no longer serving me...

That was the start of everything changing for me.

Imagine you get to feel like money isn’t a source of stress, but a tool for growth.

Picture you get to be in a position where you’re making decisions from a place of strength, not scarcity.

Envision you get to finish what you start because you will have the confidence to see it through…

…and you can enjoy working on it because it means something to you.

Don't just take my word for it though, check out what Tia had to say:

Tia Brown

Agency Owner

From Uncertainty to Confidence

I met Edmond near the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey, and I’m so glad that I did. His experience and guidance have helped me gain clarity on fundamental issues that have allowed me to navigate running several businesses with confidence.

He is always right on time with the necessary questions to guide me to the answers I already have, and then it’s followed up with support while I implement my ideas.

Edmond has a really special way of leading by example while showing you that what is possible for him, is absolutely possible for you too.

If you are looking for the kind of growth that comes from having the exact right mentor, who can guide you to becoming exactly who you were meant to be, Edmond is it.

And check out Ioan's note:

Down to Earth Wisdom on Mindset, Marketing, and More

Ed, first and foremost, is a really cool guy! Not just to work with but also to hang out and discuss really interesting subjects. Philosophy, psychology, marketing, you name it.

His depth and breadth of knowledge is among the most impressive I've come across.

In terms of method, he's supportive and understanding. You feel like he listens and truly gets you. Working with Edmond makes for a great learning experience, whether you're looking for clarity in your marketing, your mindset, or just life in general.

Ioan Mateescu

Software Company Owner

(Testimonials can be verified on my LinkedIn Page...)

And you can BET...

This Money Confidence Program model is unlike any method you've heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…

  • We don’t focus on just cutting expenses to the bone

  • We don’t focus on complex financial jargon that leaves you more confused

  • We don’t focus on endless budgeting that takes the joy out of life

  • We don’t focus on risk-heavy investments that keep you up at night

  • We don’t focus on time-consuming tracking of every penny that stifles your freedom

In fact: we rarely (if ever) subscribe to the outdated 'save more, work harder' mantra.

Instead, We Empower Your Financial Journey with Simplified Strategies, Practical Exercises, and Psychological Insights for Developing Wealth and Personal Growth...

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The Money Confidence Program model allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to building a business and achieving financial independence…

  • Like chasing after the latest, overly complex trend

  • Spending hours every week on meaningless work

  • Coming across contradictory business advice

  • Constantly doubting my financial decisions

  • Sacrificing all my time to get little-to-no results

The Money Confidence Program approach freed me from all that and it allowed me to unleash my business confidence and financial potential

Here's what my life used to look like (and if you've ever ran an online business, then I'm sure you can relate)...

I call this the cycle of doom…

  • Step 1 - Endless Budgeting to get by...

  • Step 2 - Never-Ending Research to find a better way...

  • Step 3 - Frustrating Trial-and-error to make it work...

  • Step 4 - Random Business Tactics, hoping one sticks...

  • Step 5 - Ineffective Marketing and Networking, so no one buys...

  • Step 6 - Undervalue Yourself and earn less than you're worth...

  • Step 7 - Stuck in a Negative Feedback Loop with worries about the future...

  • Step 8 - Start over.

The cycle of doom not only sucked, but it kept me stuck for a 3 years - forcing me to continue doing work I didn't want to, barely scarping by, while working around the clock.

To be honest...

...I almost gave up on this whole idea of achieving financial independence through an online business.

...But before I gave up...

I wanted to try something.

Something that - if it worked...

It would change everything.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

...It worked...

And I spent years turning it into a system...

Here's where I want to introduce you to the...

Money Confidence Program

Strategies And Exercises To Discover Your Financial Blocks, Gain 100% Control Over Your Money, And Launch a Purpose-Filled Business Online

Video Trainings


This course is designed specifically for people who value personal growth, independence, and have a desire to help others through their business, but have hit a snag when it comes to making money online.

This isn’t another “online guru get rich quick” program. This is a transformative experience with trainings, tools, and genuine, actionable advice.

Each module has written curriculum with accompanying videos and exercises (133-pages, 9-hours of in-depth trainings, and over 18 exercises total) to help you implement the teachings.

You’ll transform your relationship with money and learn how to identify and overcome the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from unlocking your financial clarity and wealth-building business habits.

But best of all…

…this isn’t a course that tells you WHAT to think…

This is a course that teaches you HOW to think.

Here's what you’ll find inside:

Module 1: Groundwork for Financial Success — $197 value

The first module is all about preparing you with the crucial fundamentals, with a focus on the psychological and self-awareness aspects of financial success.

It lays the foundational understanding that future concepts will build upon, emphasizing the importance of our personal philosophies when it comes to making money.

In it, you’ll get:

  • To begin your financial journey with a strong foundation - deep dive into the psychology behind financial success, intertwining self-awareness with wealth-building strategies. Hint: it's not just about numbers but how you perceive money... and this shapes your entire financial trajectory.

  • To transform how you think about money - discover the intricate connection between your thoughts, feelings, and financial independence, which gives you a mirror to your inner workings so that you can reshape your financial future.

  • To learn the core principles of financial success - this module sets a solid base, essential for living a wealthy life, which by the way, is about aligning your inner game with your financial goals... giving you a mindset conducive to making money so that you don't get in your own way.

  • To put concepts into practical action - which will show you how your mindset directly affects your financial decisions, so that you can grow into a better version of yourself, free from unnecessary worry.

  • To build a strong psychological foundation for wealth - understand the deep-rooted beliefs that shape your financial destiny – by the way, this is more than education; it’s a transformation of how you view and interact with money... paving the way for financial independence.

By the end of Module 1, you’ll have a deep analysis over your current situation, a solid foundation of self-awareness, along with the psychological understandings that will serve as the bedrock for the subsequent modules.

The transformation is geared towards not just financial literacy, but also personal growth and empowerment, setting the stage for a holistic approach to success.

Module 1: Lectures

  • Money Matters: Why Financial Education is the Key to a Better Life

  • Maximizing Your Potential: The Link Between Financial Education and Personal Growth

  • The Hidden Connection: How Your Mindset Shapes Your Entrepreneurial Journey

  • The Role of Psychology and Self-awareness in Mastering the Entrepreneur’s Mind

  • Money and Happiness: Debunking the Myth and Revealing the Connection

  • Unmasking the Enemy Within: Confronting Self-Sabotage for Financial Wellbeing

  • Course Objectives and Expectations

  • Cultivating Balance to Navigate the Dichotomy of Desire

Module 1: Workbook Chapters

  • Overview on What's Holding You Back

  • How You're Programmed to Never Be Free

  • How Financial Confidence Transforms Your Routine

Module 2: Stepping into Your Personal Power $397 Value

Here you’ll architect the blueprint of your financial empire. This is where self-awareness meets strategic action, bridging the gap between who you are and who you’re destined to become.

You’ll discover:

  • How to empower yourself to take control of your financial destiny - Module 2 focuses on harnessing your personal power for business growth – which will help you break free from conventional paths so that you can carve your unique journey to success.

  • How to unlock the potential within you for extraordinary achievements - learn to tap into your innate abilities and strengths – which will guide you to become the best version of yourself so that you can fuel your journey with a profound transformation.

  • Elevate your entrepreneurial journey with techniques for self-exploration - discover how self-awareness reveals unconscious patterns, so that you can transform not only your personal and professional life, but also your financial success.

  • A step-by-step guide to crafting your personalized wealth plan - tailored to your unique strengths, goals, and life situation, ensuring your strategy is not just effective, but aligned with your values.

  • A deep dive into your personal relationship with money through rapid-fire exercises - revealing your unfiltered, subconscious beliefs and setting the stage for a profound shift in your financial mindset.

By the end of Module 2, you will have not only confronted and begun to dismantle your limiting beliefs about money but also started to construct a clear, personalized vision of your financial future.

This module is about mastering money so you can live the version of life YOU want, on YOUR terms.

Module 2: Lectures

  • The Mind as a Tool: Understanding and Utilizing Your Mental Faculties

  • Rewriting Our Money Story to Break Free from Limitations

  • Transforming Confusion into Clarity Through the Power of Our Narrative

  • Reframing Our Story to Align with Our Success

  • The Flashlight of Your Mind: Mental Faculty of Metacognition

  • Entrepreneurship Unmasked: Debunking Myths and Embracing Reality

  • Beyond the Dichotomy of Desire: Unlocking Your Creative Flow for Success

Module 2: Workbook Chapters

  • The Unspoken Blueprint of the Successful Entrepreneur

Module 3: Unlocking Cognitive Wealth — $297 Value

The third module goes deep into understanding the workings of money and how certain myths that we’ve been conditioned to adopt as our own keep us trapped in the situations we’re in.

This module is centered on the concept of self-actualization and the cognitive aspects that underpin entrepreneurial success.

In this one, you’ll get:

  • Explore the vast potential of your entrepreneurial mindset - to reveal the widespread and prevalent money myths that have been invisibly capping your earning potential, so that you become more aware and can rise to new levels.

  • Unlock the power of your mind to transform your business - understand how certain biases directly influence your decision making and business outcomes, so that you can not just have great ideas but nurture a mindset conducive to innovation and growth, too.

  • A series of introspective exercises - these will act as a mirror to your money story, reflecting the deep-seated beliefs about wealth that have been scripting your financial narrative, so that you can create a prosperous entrepreneurial path.

  • Cultivate a wealth of knowledge and self-awareness for business success - Module 3 focuses on intellectual enrichment and introspection, which will equips you with the cognitive skills necessary so that you can make sharp, strategic business decisions.

  • Transform your inner world to revolutionize your business endeavors - learn to channel your mental abilities towards creating and sustaining success – which by the way, is about aligning your internal beliefs and attitude with your external business goals.

As you complete Module 3, you won't just walk away with knowledge; you'll step forward with a transformed perspective on entrepreneurship and business. You'll have nurtured a cognitive wealth that enriches your inner world and amplifies your external achievements.

From this point, you’ll emerge with a greater sense of purpose, a clearer vision for your life path, and the tools to make that vision a reality.

Module 3: Lectures

  • Mastering the Money Game: Leveling Up Your Financial Education

  • Breaking Free from the Chains of Our Education System

  • Breaking Free from the Chains of Our Society’s Conditioning

  • Breaking Free from the Chains of Our Cognitive Biases

Module 3: Workbook Chapters

  • Money is NOT the Destination

  • Eliminating the Poverty Within

Module 4: Harnessing the Source of Creation — $197 Value

This fourth module is where you'll dive into the creative abyss and emerge with the kind of visionary insight that fuels the world's most successful entrepreneurs.

This isn't just another step; it's a quantum leap into the heart of innovation and the birthplace of ideas.

Here, you’ll discover:

  • How to tap into the ethereal realm of creativity and innovation - Module 4 guides you to the source of entrepreneurial vision and inspiration, which transcends the tangible aspects of business so that you can connect with your spiritual essence for true innovation.

  • Discover the wellspring of groundbreaking ideas - learn to access and utilize your deepest sources of creativity, which will put fresh ideas on tap for you so that you get to turn your aspirations into realities.

  • Elevate your entrepreneurial journey with spiritual insights - understand how to blend your spiritual essence with your business strategies, because this is a journey beyond market conquests where we focus on holistic growth and personal fulfillment.

  • Unleash your creative potential for entrepreneurial success – explore the untapped spaces of imagination and ideation so you can amplify your strategies and wiser moves in the marketplace.

  • A resilience framework for reframing mistakes - which will turn every stumble into a steppingstone, so you can move forward quicker and better than ever.

As you wrap up Module 4, you'll see entrepreneurship in a new light—not just as a business venture but as a canvas for your creativity. You'll step back into the world with a profound connection to your inner muse, armed with the insights and strategies to make your vision a living, breathing reality.

This is where business meets art, and you become the creator of your own financial destiny.

Module 4: Lectures

  • The Role of Spirituality in Shaping our Beliefs and Attitudes Towards Money

  • Aligning Spiritual Values and Financial Values

  • How the Mind Creates the Reality We Experience

  • How the Law of Attraction Really Works

  • How to Use Your Inner Resources to Create Massive Shifts in Your Reality

  • How to Avoid the Spiritual Trap That Can Keep You Stuck

Module 4: Workbook Chapters

  • Separating Money from Mindset

  • Investing into Your Money Mindset

Module 5: Mastering Strategic Decisions in Business — $497 Value

The fifth module is where we roll up our sleeves and delve into the tactical arena of business operations. This is where financial confidence transitions from philosophy to practice, from dreams to tangible success.

In it, you’ll get:

  • To navigate the complex terrain of entrepreneurship with strategic acumen – Module 5 equips you with the tools for making sound, strategic business decisions – which, by the way, is about understanding the nuances of the entrepreneurial game and positioning yourself for success in an unconventional landscape.

  • A comprehensive breakdown of business types - which will give you discernment to choose a path that aligns with your strengths and the market's pulse, so that you can align your business with your passions.

  • Insider tactics for carving out your niche - even the most saturated markets, positioning you not just as a player but as a dominant force in your industry.

  • A radical rethinking of the role of money in business - which will teach you to harness resourcefulness as your greatest asset, enabling you to build empires from the ground up with little to nothing.

  • Enhance your business tactics with refined decision-making skills - learn to align your decisions with your long-term vision, ensuring every step takes you closer to your entrepreneurial goals.

By the end of Module 5, you will have mastered the ability to make strategic decisions that are not only smart for your business but also true to your values and vision, setting you on a course for prosperity.

Module 5: Lectures

  • Charting Your Course: Exploring the 5 Major Business Types

  • Customer-Centric Marketing Strategy: The Art of Niche Marketing

  • Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship: Unearthing Your Ideal Business Venture

  • Law of Compensation: Understanding How We Get Paid

  • Myths That Keep You from Progress and Growth

  • Unleashing Nature's Secrets: How Natural Laws Shape Your Business Success

  • From Metrics to Wealth: The Skill of Financial Discipline

  • Making Money Work for You: The Art of Strategic Investments

  • Money as Seeds: How to Invest in Your Business's Future

  • The Acquisition Framework: Mastering Trade-offs for Success

  • Redefining Work: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Productivity and Profit

  • Scaling Success: Streamlining Your Business for Growth and Development

  • Empathy-Driven Leadership: Mastering the Business Symphony

Module 5: Workbook Chapters

  • Taking Matters into Your Own Hands

  • Working Hard vs. Working Smart

  • Harness Luck with Action

Module 6: Unlocking Peak Entrepreneurial Performance Through Biohacking — $147 Value

In the sixth and final module we venture into the cutting-edge world of biohacking, where science meets entrepreneurship to unlock your highest potential. This is where you transform not just your business, but your most critical asset—yourself.

Here, you get:

  • To elevate your entrepreneurial performance through the science of biohacking – Module 6 introduces cutting-edge techniques for optimal mental and physical health, which is about enhancing your performance holistically and ensuring you operate at your peak in business endeavors.

  • To transform your health into wealth with wellbeing strategies – discover how optimizing your well-being directly impacts your business success, by going beyond traditional health tips and integrating advanced practices for substantial improvement in your work and life.

  • To harness the power of your body and mind for entrepreneurial excellence – learn how you can elevate your cognitive and physical capabilities which will create a balance that fosters creativity, resilience, and productivity, so that you can propel towards achieving your business goals.

  • To Maximize your entrepreneurial potential through holistic self-optimization - A regimen of daily practices designed to reinforce your self-confidence and self-worth, preparing you to grow exponentially and embrace more complex challenges.

  • Strategies to boost your entrepreneurial stamina - A guide to reprogramming your sub-conscious mind to transform any self-defeating patterns into fuel for growth so you’re no longer feeling stuck or paralyzed.

By the end of Module 6, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to apply biohacking techniques and practices to enhance your health, performance, decision making, and well-being, ensuring that you operate at peak levels to build a sustainable business.

Module 6: Lectures

  • Getting the Cutting Edge: Energy Levels & Mental Clarity

  • Sleep Smarts for Entrepreneurs: How Proper Rest Transforms Entrepreneurial Performance

  • Mind over Menu: Harnessing the Power of Nutrition for Entrepreneurial Success

  • Exercise as a Game-Changer: Elevate Your Life and Business through Physical Activity

  • Meditation as the Mind's Gym: Building Mental Strength through Metacognition

  • Breathing Beyond Survival: Harnessing the Hidden Benefits of Conscious Breathwork

Module 6: Workbook Chapters

  • Acknowledge Your Success

  • Commitment to Financial Confidence

  • 7 Layers Deep into Your Subconscious

There is a catch though...

Right now, I’m offering a special, budget-friendly price on the Money Confidence Program, but that’s probably going to change soon.

I’m also offering several bonus products, and you’re going to see in just a minute why I can’t include these bonuses for everyone at such a low price.

But don’t worry, the price is actually much less than you think.

… Much less than the other financial literacy and business mindset courses out there (and better, too - trust me).

… Much less than what it would take for you to spend your time and money trying to learn it on your own.

… And, much less than what it would cost for the a single consultation session.

Actually, I was thinking about what would really give you the edge...

...what would really accelerate the results you get...

...what you would really need to get to the next level…

and that’s why I decided to include these bonuses, for free:

Membership to Underground Entrepreneurs Community

Join an elite circle of like-minded individuals pursuing financial independence and personal growth in our private, invite-only group. Interact, share experiences, get support, and grow with peers who understand your journey.

$247 FREE

Personal Finance Management Template

Systematically track and analyze your monthly financial health, enabling informed decisions to effectively grow your assets and reduce liabilities, paving the way towards financial stability and growth.

$97 FREE


VisionCraft Business Plan Blueprint

Masterfully align your personal values with strategic business planning, ensuring a fulfilling and successful entrepreneurial journey.

$97 FREE

Values Elicitation Assessment

A transformative step towards understanding your deepest motivations and making life choices that truly resonate with your core beliefs, which leads to greater fulfillment and purpose-driven decision-making.

$47 FREE

Company Business Bookkeeping Template

Streamline your financial tracking with clear, month-by-month insights into your company's performance, allowing you informed decision-making and efficient financial management.

$97 FREE

Strategic Position Identifier Method

Masterfully align your personal values with strategic business planning, ensuring a fulfilling and successful entrepreneurial journey.

$37 FREE

Life Purpose AI Coach

Transform your passions into profit with deep, personalized questioning that unlocks the intersection of your passions, skills, and market potential, guiding you towards a fulfilling and profitable business that aligns with your true purpose.

$37 FREE

Those bonuses give you the tools, templates, tactics, and framework you’ll need to hit the ground running

This way, you can move towards financial independence faster, better, and with less headaches.

So, all together, you get The Money Confidence Program with a total cash value of $1,732.

And you get the bonuses with a total cash value of $659.

That’s $2,391 total for the products.

I spent over 10 years and $15,000 in trainings and material to learn all this—and probably over $200,000 in mistakes.

But that’s not anywhere near what you’re going to pay.

You’re not going to pay $10,000.

You’re not going to pay $5,000.

You’re not even going to pay $2,000.

You pay the insanely low price of just $27 for lifetime access to the course, materials, and all future updates.

With this you get...

A 100% Money Back Guarantee...

And tell you what…

I'm going to keep it real with you.

I value personal responsibility and finishing something started.

I almost didn't want to offer refunds on this product because of that - and especially since it's a digital product and there's no real consequence for those that are trying to freeload or steal the course...

But I decided to bet on your morals and virtues and give you a 100% Money back Guarantee anyway.

If you check this out and then freely decide you don’t want to be confident with your money anymore...

...that you would rather ask for your money back and tightly grip onto it...

I don’t know why you would give up on your financial growth like that, but I completely understand because it’s totally your choice.

Just let me know within 30 days and I’ll give you every penny you paid back to you, and I’ll even cover the processing fee from my own pocket.

So even if you procrastinate a few weeks and mess around... you STILL have time to check out this entire product, along with the bonuses, and THEN decide if you want to keep it or not.

On that same note, if you decide to jump into this and go fast, you could even experience a radical shift before the 30 days is up...

This offer won't last forever...

I just want to remind you that I can’t continue to offer this price and include the bonuses forever. The world is changing fast and I’m one that likes to adapt and evolve with it, which includes the offers I have for people.

You might be able to find some of the information I have for you online somewhere else, but you’re not going to find the way I’ve strategically put it together to make sure IT WORKS FOR YOU. Only this version has my unique experience and methods—my unique touch.

Only a select few people I’ve coached and mentored in the past have been exposed to and benefited from these methodologies. But now, you have access to this exclusive approach and can benefit the way they have.

So… act fast if you want in.

Here are the kind of results others had working with me:

Nimra Komal

Illustrations Expert and Agency Owner

Transforming Vision into Success

Edmond mentored me for a few months. I must say he helped me gain clarity in my vision, helped me set up my business with his guidance, and helped me grow my business. An absolute genius and a great advisor! His mentorship is packed with absolute value and wisdom. Thank you Edmond.

Empowering Dreams and Personal Growth

Edmond Abramyan is not only great to work with but has a way of helping you believe in yourself, and helping you bring about your own dreams to be an entrepreneur as well as a better person.

Marta Moran Bishop

Author and Radio Show Host

Abdulwahab (Jay) Jarrah

AutoCAD Consultant and Service Provider

Deep Listening and Insightful Mentorship

Edmond has been a great mentor and friend and I have the pleasure of knowing him for over 5 years at this point. While our meetings are spare throughout the year, Edmond has been a great mind to think & share thoughts with. I had some of the best conversations with him and he helped me achieve clarity & deep understanding of a situation I share with him every time we communicated. Edmond has a refined skill in deep listening, and I believe this is one of his core strength that allow him to bring clarity and insight to the table every time. To whom it may concern, I highly recommend working & consulting with Edmond for both personal & business matters.

Game-Changing Business Strategy

Multiplied PROFITS & GROWTH!! That's what you get when you work with Edmond. He found a way to expose my business to an entirely new audience that easily more than tripled my revenue! I like to do things myself and had never worked with a consultant in the past, but I'm really happy I decided to hear Ed out when my collogue referred me. His business strategies transformed the way I do things and I'm incredibly grateful. Thank you!

Loris Ayvazyan

eCommerce Business Owner

Genevra Siciliano

Photography Business Owner

Unlocking Brand Potential and Time Management

I took the opportunity to work with Edmond and I'm glad I did. I found him to be approachable and a great listener, both personable and professional. He helped me with my questions and gave me direction for my brand. He also helped me get real around time management and followed up with resources specific to my problems.

(Testimonials can be verified on my LinkedIn Page...)

It's time to make a decision and get a grip on your finances

...without hundreds of hours of complex financial courses, hiring an accountant, or cutting back on needed expenses.

Let's recap everything you get:

Money Confidence Program
Strategies and Exercises to Discover Your Financial Blocks to Unleash Business Success

The counterintuitive approach to financial literacy and business strategy, to master your finances, optimize your decision-making, and enhance your entrepreneurial performance without the overwhelming stress, confusion, and common pitfalls of online business.

Video Series, Workbook, and Supporting Material

$1,732 $27


Membership to Underground Entrepreneurs Community

Join an elite circle of like-minded individuals pursuing financial independence and personal growth in our private, invite-only group. Interact, share experiences, get support, and grow with peers who understand your journey.

$247 FREE

Personal Finance Management Template

Systematically track and analyze your monthly financial health, enabling informed decisions to effectively grow your assets and reduce liabilities, paving the way towards financial stability and growth.

$97 FREE

VisionCraft Business Plan Blueprint

Masterfully align your personal values with strategic business planning, ensuring a fulfilling and successful entrepreneurial journey.

$97 FREE

Values Elicitation Assessment

A transformative step towards understanding your deepest motivations and making life choices that truly resonate with your core beliefs, which leads to greater fulfillment and purpose-driven decision-making.

$47 FREE

Company Business Bookkeeping Template

Streamline your financial tracking with clear, month-by-month insights into your company's performance, allowing you informed decision-making and efficient financial management.

$97 FREE

Strategic Position Identifier Method

Masterfully align your personal values with strategic business planning, ensuring a fulfilling and successful entrepreneurial journey.

$37 FREE

Life Purpose AI Coach

Transform your passions into profit with deep, personalized questioning that unlocks the intersection of your passions, skills, and market potential, guiding you towards a fulfilling and profitable business that aligns with your true purpose.

$37 FREE

So, by now, I'm guessing you've already made your decision...

If you've made it this far, you already know this is right for you.

Your intuition has told you already, and you should listen to it.

I know you'd agree, it somehow already knows what's right for you.
You're going to be happy with the results you get.

Thanks for checking out what I wanted to show you.

I hope to hear about how you've enjoyed the Money Confidence Program soon!

This is Edmond, signing off for now.

Take care!

Edmond Abramyan

You save a ton of money if you get this now, and you also get all the bonuses I’m including in there for a limited time.

People make radical shifts working with me, and you can see that in the testimonials.

You won’t regret this, and that’s why I’m offering my personal guarantee.

So why not give it a shot?

If you think you want this, it makes sense to get it now before this offer’s gone.

If you’re STILL on the fence, just consider what will happen if you DON’T actively work to solve this problem.

How will self-sabotage with money impact your life down the line?

Will you drag yourself on, slaving away for others?

Will you continue jumping from opportunity to opportunity, wasting your life and potential away?

Will the world ever get the impact you’re meant to make on it?

Or will things get worse…?

Don’t let that happen to you.

Those taking the path less traveled need you.

...We need you...

You need you…

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